
Advanced Training in Leveraging Meta Tools for Advancing Businesses – SESSION 2

Session 2: Content Creation for Facebook and Instagram * Content creation ecosystem * Posts * Stories * Reels * Live broadcast * Events * Create a plan * Execute the digital marketing plan Register   NOTE: Both training sessions will be hands-on, as such it is highly recommended that all participants attend the training from a computer in order to have their mobile phones ready for practical exercises.

OAS/SEDI Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) Project: Online trainings on Leveraging Meta Platforms to Advance Women’s Businesses Completed

The Executive Secretariat for Integral Development of the Organization of American States (OAS-SEDI) announces the completion of a series of live online training on various tools for assisting women in engaging in the digital economy. The training was offered by Meta, within the framework of its Partnership Agreement with OAS/SEDI to support the implementation of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Program in Central America and the Caribbean. Over 950 women benefitted from the training opportunity. Training was offered for the following participating countries: El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, in Central America, and Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, in the Caribbean. In Central America the Program is being implemented in partnership with the Regional Center for the Promotion of MSMEs (CENPROMYPE, for its acronym in Spanish). The women entrepreneurs have indicated  that the content provided has positioned them to advance their businesses. Entrepreneur Naomi Bannis-Sampson, Managing Director of Bannis Farms Products in Dominica, stated that she was determined to understand how to use Meta tools including reels on Instagram and Facebook which are necessary for growing her business and improving her online presence. Programs such as this demonstrate the OAS/SEDI’s continued commitment to building women’s capacity and expanding opportunities for their participation in the socio-economic development of their countries.  The Women’s Economic Empowerment Project is being implemented by the OAS-SEDI in collaboration with CENPROMPYE, local partners, including government agencies, business associations, NGO’s and with funding support from the US Department of State Permanent Mission to the Organization of American States and Meta.

Metaverso y Realidad Aumentada

¿Te interesa conocer sobre el Metaverso y Realidad Aumentada? ¡Este taller para ti! El Programa "Empoderamiento Económico de las Mujeres en el Triángulo Norte" de la OEA, con financiamiento del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos y de META, te invita a conocer más del Metaverso y la realidad aumentada para que puedas aplicarlas en tu modelo de negocio. Dirigido a instancias de los países del Triángulo Norte (Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador): # 26 de octubre 9:00 horas (CENTROAMÉRICA) 3 Virtual • Empresas lideradas por mujeres Mujeres jóvenes mayores de edad con interés en emprender Instituciones del Ecosistema de Desarrollo Empresarial (hombres y mujeres que brindan servicios de desarrollo empresarial dirigidos a apoyar a mujeres empresarias y/o emprendedoras) Entidades rectoras de la MIPYME Queremos presentar las oportunidades económicas, de crecimiento y de negocios que ofrece este nuevo mundo digital emergente a las emprendedoras y mujeres jóvenes.   Enlace de registro

Dominica – Virtual workshop: OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit

Join us for a virtual workshop where we will unpack the OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit, designed to empower women-led and owned businesses in the Eastern Caribbean. This toolkit is a valuable resource for MSMEs seeking success and growth in the region. Register today and don't forget to invite other local MSMEs to benefit from this informative session. Let's work together to support and empower women entrepreneurs in the Eastern Caribbean! Zoom

Antigua and Barbuda – Virtual workshop: OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit

Join us for a virtual workshop where we will unpack the OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit, designed to empower women-led and owned businesses in the Eastern Caribbean. This toolkit is a valuable resource for MSMEs seeking success and growth in the region. Register today and don't forget to invite other local MSMEs to benefit from this informative session. Let's work together to support and empower women entrepreneurs in the Eastern Caribbean! Zoom

The OAS Recognizes International Women’s Day 2024: Empowering Women Across the Eastern Caribbean Towards Business Success

March 4, 2024 – The Organization of American States (OAS) through its Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) extends Congratulations to all women of the Americas in recognition of International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8, 2024. The Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) project is one of the initiatives that reinforces the Organization’s dedication to inspiring inclusion of women in economic development. Through the WEE project, the OAS remains dedicated to inspiring inclusion of women in economic development by empowering women led and owned Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to take advantage of the digital economy and build sustainable livelihoods across the six participating Eastern Caribbean countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. OAS Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Kim Osborne said “The OAS is committed to inspiring women by investing in their economic empowerment. In celebration of International Women’s Day and the OAS WEE project's significant contributions to the advancement of women across the Eastern Caribbean, we are pleased to announce that virtual workshops will be hosted, focused on unpacking the OAS Business Formalization Toolkits which have been specifically designed to guide women-led and owned MSMEs in formalizing their businesses in each participating country. These toolkits offer comprehensive guidance and practical resources to assist women in navigating the process of formalizing their businesses. By equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge, we aim to facilitate their access to financial services, markets, and other opportunities for growth. These curated workshops will be held during March 4th - 6th, at 5:00 - 6:00 pm and 6:30 - 7:30 pm each evening for each of the six countries. We extend a warm invitation to all women-led and owned MSMEs, as well as other MSME stakeholders, to participate in these insightful virtual workshops. To view the schedule for each country and to register for these workshops, please visit the events section on the WEE MSME Clearinghouse at Also under the OAS WEE Project is the WEE MSME Clearinghouse, launched in November 2023. It is a valuable resource that provides a platform for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) owned or led by women, with content ranging from digital tools aimed at bridging the gap for women in the digital economy to information on financial literacy to opportunities to connect with the diaspora. The Clearinghouse also makes available online training materials, best practices, and other available online resources as we are committed to equipping women MSMEs with the knowledge and support necessary to succeed. Women’s economic empowerment benefits the wider economy by reducing income inequality and promoting diversity and economic resilience. The OAS encourages all to join hands to empower women entrepreneurs and drive economic growth in the region. About the OAS WEE Project: The Organization of American States (OAS) Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Project is being implemented in 6 Eastern Caribbean Countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines) to empower women-led and women-owned MSMEs to actively participate in and benefit from the digital economy and build sustainable livelihoods. Over 600 women across the participating countries are benefiting from tools, resources and opportunities to support the digital transformation of their business. For media inquiries, please contact: Lizra Fabien Caribbean Project Manager

Saint Lucia – Virtual workshop: OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit

Join us for a virtual workshop where we will unpack the OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit, designed to empower women-led and owned businesses in the Eastern Caribbean. This toolkit is a valuable resource for MSMEs seeking success and growth in the region. Register today and don't forget to invite other local MSMEs to benefit from this informative session. Let's work together to support and empower women entrepreneurs in the Eastern Caribbean! Zoom

St. Vincent and the Grenadines – Virtual workshop: OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit

Join us for a virtual workshop where we will unpack the OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit, designed to empower women-led and owned businesses in the Eastern Caribbean. This toolkit is a valuable resource for MSMEs seeking success and growth in the region. Register today and don't forget to invite other local MSMEs to benefit from this informative session. Let's work together to support and empower women entrepreneurs in the Eastern Caribbean! Zoom

Grenada – Virtual workshop: OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit

Join us for a virtual workshop where we will unpack the OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit, designed to empower women-led and owned businesses in the Eastern Caribbean. This toolkit is a valuable resource for MSMEs seeking success and growth in the region. Register today and don't forget to invite other local MSMEs to benefit from this informative session. Let's work together to support and empower women entrepreneurs in the Eastern Caribbean! Zoom

St. Kitts and Nevis – Virtual workshop: OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit

Join us for a virtual workshop where we will unpack the OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Formalization Toolkit, designed to empower women-led and owned businesses in the Eastern Caribbean. This toolkit is a valuable resource for MSMEs seeking success and growth in the region. Register today and don't forget to invite other local MSMEs to benefit from this informative session. Let's work together to support and empower women entrepreneurs in the Eastern Caribbean! Zoom