WEE Formalization Toolkit


Being an entrepreneur is empowering and can provide a sense of independence.

This business formalization toolkit is a roadmap for women-led and women-owned micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Eastern Caribbean. It is designed to empower women to make informed decisions for themselves and their businesses.

Other National Resources

Government of Dominica - Small Business Support Unit (SBSU)

The government of Dominica offers fiscal incentives to qualifying Micro and Small enterprises to support their establishment, expansion, and continued operation within various sectors

Type of Institution

National Government Ministry/Agency

Type of Resource

National Development Resource


Grant financing, business registration documentation, assistance in developing business plans, design of business cards and product labels, assistance in accessing government services, provision of assistance in product testing, training, provision of fiscal incentives, business advice and handholding services, creation of social media business pages

Resource Description

The SBSU is the key Unit of the Government of Dominica fostering the creation of a conducive business environment for MSMEs in Dominica. 

Main Website


Social Media


Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s



Small Business Support Unit
Kennedy Ave
3rd Floor, Government Headquarters
Roseau, Dominica - Phone: 246-266-3965 to 767-266-3965
Email: registrationsbsu@dominica.gov.dm

Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC)

Dominica's top private sector representative body, champions economic growth and social development with over 50 years of experience. The DAIC safeguards commercial interests and amplifies member voices in government discussions while shaping a prosperous future for Dominica's business landscape.

Type of Institution

Private Institution

Type of Resource

National Development Resource, Chamber of Commerce, Training and Development, Networking and Partnerships


Digital Marketing Seminar 1

Digital Marketing Seminar 2

CARICHAM Business Resources

Video resource

Resource Description

Gain exclusive access to a wealth of valuable content through our YouTube channel, featuring past chamber activities such as capacity-building sessions, training programs, engaging radio broadcasts, and insightful seminars. Dive into a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise to empower yourself and your business endeavors.

Main Website


Social Media

Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s



Location: 2nd Floor, Prevo Cinemall, Corner of Kennedy Avenue and Old Street 
Landline: 767-449-1962 
Cell and WhatsApp: 767-235-1962 
Email: Info@dominicachamber.com

Invest Dominica Authority

Promotes and makes it easy to invest in tourism and industrial activities. Offers support from beginning to end to ensure that your business succeeds.

Type of Institution

Statutory Body

Type of Resource

National Development Resource


Business Forms and Guides

Resource Description

Invest Dominica Authority is the Government arm responsible for promoting and facilitating investments in Dominica.

Main Website


Social Media

Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s



5-7 Great Marlborough Street Roseau, Dominica
Ph. +1(767)448-2045 Fax: +1(767)448-5840

The Companies and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

The CIPO is the National Companies and Intellectual Property Registry for the Commonwealth of Dominica and is a Department of the Ministry of National security and Home Affairs.

Type of Institution

Statutory Body

Type of Resource

National Development Resource


E-Business Registry

Business Registration Forms

Resource Description

Access the E-Business Registry for information on how to search a business name, reserve a business name and incorporate a company as well as downloadable forms and applications.

Main Website


Social Media


Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s

Government of Dominica


Corner of Kennedy Ave. & Independence Street
Commonwealth of Dominica
Email: cipoclerk@dominica.gov.dm
Phone: (767) 266 3358/3359
Fax: (767) 440 6593

Dominica Agricultural Industrial Development Bank

As Dominica’s only indigenous development Bank, the core business of the AID Bank is to provide loans for the following sectors: (i) Agriculture & Fishing; (ii) Industry (inclusive of Manufacturing, Services and Transportation); (iii) Tourism; (iv) Education; (v) Real Estate & Construction; (vi) Climate Adaptation; (vii) Infrastructure; and (viii) Commerce & Distribution.

Type of Institution

Financial Institution

Type of Resource

MSME Support Programme


Women Entrepreneurs Fund

Resource Description

Access information and requirments on how to qualify for an agriculture business loan for a range of needs including but not limited to crops, equipment, labour, machinery livestock as well as loan application forms and checklists.

Main Website


Social Media


Media and Documents

Loan Application Forms

Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s



42 Kennedy Avenue,  Roseau Dominica Tel: 767-266-3768 Email: dominicayouthbusinesstrust@gmail.com or dybt@dominica.gov.dm https://maps.app.goo.gl/fWRfgWidePtM87Dt5
P.O. Box 215
Cnr. Charles Avenue and Rawles Lane
Commonwealth of Dominica
Tel: (767) 448-2853; (767) 255-9400

Dominica Youth Business Trust

Empowering Dominican youth in realizing their entrepreneurial potential.

Type of Institution

Statutory Body

Type of Resource

MSME Support Programme


Entrepreneurship Development Program:

Small business assistance facility:

E-training on ethics in business:

Mentorship Registration Form

Resource Description

The Dominica Youth Business Trust (DYBT) targets young Dominicans 18 to 35 years old who are desirous of having their own business but do not have the necessary collateral, financial security or backup to access a loan from financial institutions. The focus of DYBT is four-fold: I.Business Training: Training young people in micro and small business development to include business management, record keeping, marketing, financial management and personal development. II.Loan Guarantee Facility: Facilitating access to credit through a loan guarantee fund in collaboration with financial institutions, whereby entrepreneurs under the program are provided collateral/security and in some cases grant funding for their businesses. III.Business Mentorship: The Trust is charged with the responsibility of establishing excellent relationships with the private sector and resource persons for the provision of effective mentorship services on a voluntary basis to young entrepreneurs. IV.Business Plan Support and Consultation: Providing young people with the necessary support to develop a bankable business plan along with continued business support and consultation before, during and after establishment of their business.

Main Website


Social Media

Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s

Government of Dominica


42 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau Dominica
Tel: 767-266-3768
Email: dominicayouthbusinesstrust@gmail.com
or dybt@dominica.gov.dm

National Development Foundation of Dominica (NDFD)

Collaborating in the development and strengthening of a framework of business support/assistance and related effective support to small business enterprise and other business stakeholders in Dominica.

Type of Institution

Public Institution

Type of Resource



Business Support & Training

Resource Description

Access business support services including information on Business Registration, Business plan preparation, Cash flow projections, Accounting, marketing and other services.

Main Website


Social Media

Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s



Great Malborough Street, Roseau
Tel: + (1) 767-448-3240 Email: ndfd@cwdom.dm

Dominica Hotel & Tourism Association

A private sector association of businesses, organisations and individuals involved in the hotel and tourism industry.

Type of Institution

Private Institution

Type of Resource

National Development Resource



Resource Description


Main Website


Social Media

Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s



Cnr. Old St. & Kennedy Ave., Roseau, Dominica
+1 767-275-7454

Business Training Center

Business Training Center provides opportunities for its clients to become certified and qualified in business and cIT related fiels.

Type of Institution

Educational Institution

Type of Resource



Certificate In Management and Business

BTC Courses

Resource Description

Access information on the Certfiicate in Management and Business including a course overview, curriculum and registration forms.

Main Website


Social Media

Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s



 #37 Cork Street Roseau(Top Floor) - btcdominica@gmail.com - (767) 448-0248

Caribbean Digital Transformation Project - Dominica

The OECS Commission has recently signed on as the implementing agency for the regional components of the World Bank IDA Grant funded Caribbean Digital Transformation Project (CARDTP). The development objective of the project is to increase access to digital services, technologies and skills by governments, businesses and individuals in the participating Eastern Caribbean countries.

The project is expected to contribute to increased digital connectivity, digital public services and the creation of technology-enabled businesses and jobs across the participating countries: the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Type of Institution

Multilateral Organization/s

Type of Resource

Regional Development Resource



Resource Description

Access the Course Registration form for Digital Literacy Training under the Caribbean Digital Transformation Project.

Main Website


Social Media

Media and Documents


Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s

The World Bank


2nd Floor
1st Domestic Building
King George V. Street
Commonwealth of Dominica
Phone: 767 266 3840

Eastern Caribbean Countries