This MSME Clearinghouse showcases the repository of public, private, and civil society programs, projects and initiatives for women-led MSMEs in across the regions aimed at bridging the gap for women in the digital economy.
Explore Regional Resources to understand the resources available from regional organization which are valuable for the advancement of Women MSMEs.
Compete Caribbean
To establish a viable business including farm or agribusiness (co-operatives are welcome) and to expand a viable business
Type of Institution
Multilateral Organization/s
Type of Resource
MSME Support Programme
Community Based Tourism Online Course and Toolkit
Resource Description
Access the Community Based Tourism (CBT) free Online Course developed by the Caribbean Tourism Organization and funded by UNDP as well as the downloadable CBT Tooklit which were designed as a How-To-Guide to assist communities and entrepreneurs to develop profitable CBT experiences and enterprises and provide information on product development, pricing, marketing, creating business plans as well health, safety and quality service guidlines among other topics.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Multiple Partners
Annie Bertrand – Pillar 1 Coordinator
Office: 246-627-8549 │ Fax: 246-429-8869
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB)
Offers an Entrepreneurship Course as a guide for persons interested in understanding the fundamentals of operating a successful small business.
Type of Institution
Financial Institution
Type of Resource
Regional Development Resource
Resource Description
Access information on courses and workshops including the ECCB Entrepreneurship course which covers Business fundamanetals, marketing and promotion, financing and management.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
P O Box 89
St Kitts and Nevis
West Indies
Tel: (869) 465-2537
Fax: (869) 465-9562
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
The Caribbean Development Bank is a financial institution that helps Caribbean nations finance social and economic programs in its member countries. CDB was established by an Agreement signed on October 18, 1969, in Kingston, Jamaica, and entered into force on January 26, 1970.
Type of Institution
Financial Institution
Type of Resource
Regional Development Resource
Caribbean Technological Consultancy Services (CTCS)
Resource Description
Access information on how to apply for CTS services to improve MSME competitivness and strengths.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Caribbean Development Bank
P.O. Box 408
St. Michael
Barbados, W. I. BB11000
Tel: 246 539 1600
Caribbean Export Development Agency
Caribbean Export is the regional trade and investment promotion agency focused on building a resilient Caribbean by providing cutting-edge and high-impact support to the private sector. Through working closely with businesses to increase exports and attract investment, we contribute towards the creation of jobs, transformation of our economies and support the Caribbean to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Type of Institution
Regional Support Organization
Type of Resource
Regional Development Resource
Build Your E-Commerce Store From Scratch
Caribbean Virtual E-Commerce Accelerator Program
Resources Description
Access webinars on demand, Competitive Intelligence Training including gow to assess your export rediness, identifying approproate target marketings, modern marketing concepts and how to develop business plans and finanical planning for business among other topics.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Baobab Tower, Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados
P.O. Box 5050 Postal code BB22026
Tel: +1(246) 436-0578
Fax: +1(246) 436-9999
The International Trade Center
Free online courses from the SME Trade Academy. An e online learning platform of the International Trade Centre, a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.
With over 200 online courses on trade and trade-related topics, specifically tailored for learners in developing and least-developed countries.
Type of Institution
International, Inter-Governmental Organization
Type of Resource
International Development Resource
Resource Description
Access courses to strengthen international trade skills including creating e-commerce content, introduction to cross-border contracts and using a virtual marketplace for our e-commerce initiative among others.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Multiple Partners
ILO – Start and Improve Your Business Programme
The Start and Improve Your Business Programe is a initiative of the ILO Enterprises Department for the promotion of sustainable enteprises for innovation, growth, more and better jobs.
Type of Institution
International Private MSME Support Programme /Initiative
Type of Resource
Local Development Resource
Digitialise Your Business Guide
Resource Description
Access Digital Strategy Guides For MSMEs to better understand opportnities in the digital economy. The DYB provides key strategies for business to buid an online presence, sell products or services through the Internet and develop perations adapted to the digital world.
Main Website
Start and Improve your business
Social Media
Media and Documents
Start and Improve Your Business Brochure
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Caribbean Tourism Institute
Training programs prepared specifically for the Caribbean’s tourism and hospitality industry.
Type of Institution
Educational Institution
Type of Resource
Community Based Tourism Online Course
Resource Description
Access the Community Based Tourism (CBT) free Online Course developed by the Caribbean Tourism Organization and funded by UNDP as well as the downloadable CBT Tooklit which were designed as a How-To-Guide to assist communities and entrepreneurs to develop profitable CBT experiences and enterprises and provide information on product development, pricing, marketing, creating business plans as well health, safety and quality service guidlines among other topics.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Caribbean Tourism Institute
7th Floor, Baobab Tower
Warrens, St. Michael, B22026
Tel: (246) 427-5242
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) – Competitive Business Unit
The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is an International Inter-governmental Organisation dedicated to regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean. The vision of the organisation for 2020-2024 “A better quality of life for the people of the OECS” and Mission Statement: “To drive and support sustainable development through regional integration. collective action and development cooperation”.
Type of Institution
Regional Support Organization
Type of Resource
Regional Development Resource
Technical Assistance & Coaching Programme
Resource Description
Access information on the Coaching Program, view past particiant profiles and learn from their experiences.
Competitive Business Unit 4th Floor Financial Center, Kennedy Avenue, Dominica Email: Phone: +1 767-448-2240
Resource Description
Access the OECS Knowedge Centre for information on business, climate resilience, trade, tourism and sustainability to inform and strengthen your business operations.
Competitive Business Unit 4th Floor Financial Center, Kennedy Avenue, Dominica Email: Phone: +1 767-448-2241
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Multiple Partners
Creative Caribbean
The United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), the CARICOM Secretariat and The University of the West Indies have joined forces to implement the project titled Creative Caribbean – An Ecosystem of “Play” for Growth and Development” in the amount of Euros 3 million.
The three-year project that will be implemented in 15 Caribbean countries aims to develop a robust creative economy in the region by strengthening the enabling environment and providing grant support for industry and training initiatives.
Type of Institution
Multilateral Organization/s
Type of Resource
International Development Resource
Resource Description
Access informaton and application forms for the Creative Caribbean grant facility for the cultural and creative sector available in 15 countries in the Caribbean.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Caribbean Chambers of Commerce (CARICHAM)
CARICHAM Is a network of Caribbean Chambers of Commerce promoting trade, resilience and partnerships across the region.
Type of Institution
Regional Support Organization
Type of Resource
Regional Development Resource
Resource Description
Access the CARICHAM resource hub for guides on Digital Transformation, Operational Excellence, and Business Resilience.
Media and Documents
ARSIE & CARICHAM Business Resilience Toolkit
Resource Description
Access the CARICHAM Business Resilience Toolkit which includes abusiness continuity plan template and guide, business continuity planning videos and supplementary checklist for MSMEs.
Main Website
Social Media
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Caribbean Network of Services Coalitions
The Caribbean Network of Service Coalitions (CNSC) unifies the region’s service organizations in an effort to raise awareness on services issues, generate support at national and regional levels and share best practices
Type of Institution
Private Institution
Type of Resource
National Development Resource
Resource Description
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
14 Orange Park Commercial Centre Bois d’Orange, St. Lucia
Eastern Caribbean Green Entrepreneurship Initiative 2023
The Eastern Caribbean Green Entrepreneurship Initiative aims to foster the development of green entrepreneurs and businesses in the Eastern Caribbean.
Type of Institution
International, Inter-Governmental Organization
Type of Resource
MSME Support Programme
Resource Description
Access the Eastern Caribbean Green Entreprenership 2023 Cohort Application and Guidelines as well as veiw past and upcoming Webianrs and profiles of preveious cohort participants and learn about their experience.
Main Website
Social Media
Media and Documents
Agency/s, Supporting Partner/s
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
OECS Commission, Morne Fortune, St. Lucia